Manufacturing Inspection App
Easy workflows
The app enables users to control over the quality at factory level at various points.
Manufacturing inspection app 1
Manufacturing inspection app 2
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Manufacturing inspection app 6
Design and develop an app that enables users to control the stone order received at factory level. Using the app user must be able to view the photos of a specific order so that can approve/reject the stone order before packing process. Users must be able to view the order status and life cycle of the order to control the delay. User must be able to upload the expected product drawing as well so that factory can check and makes the product according to the given CAD drawing.
When XPERTYST was approached with a chance to develop a Manuufacturing inpspection app , we did several mutual discussions with the client to understand the complete scope of the project and expectation technically. These discussions give our team a detailed Idea to structure the code. The better questions and answer sessions, gives better the management system to team. Team scheduled a plan and within timeline to complete the entire project. The project has been breakdown into multiple phases and based on their priority phases has been selected to complete the project within timeline.
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